Seznam časopisů

Odebírané časopisy - 2024
0021-9673	Journal of Chromatography - A
0378-4347	Journal of Chromatography - B

0009-2770	Chemické listy
1210-0684	Chip
1211-1430	Mzdová účetní
Odebírané časopisy - 2023
0021-9673	Journal of Chromatography - A
0378-4347	Journal of Chromatography - B

0009-2770	Chemické listy
1210-0684	Chip
1211-1430	Mzdová účetní
Odebírané časopisy - 2022
0021-9673	Journal of Chromatography - A
0378-4347	Journal of Chromatography - B

0009-2770	Chemické listy
1210-0684	Chip
1211-1430	Mzdová účetní
Odebírané časopisy - 2021
0021-9673	Journal of Chromatography - A
0378-4347	Journal of Chromatography - B

0009-2770	Chemické listy
1210-0684	Chip
1211-1430	Mzdová účetní

Ukončené odběry časopisů
0322-8231	Ochrana ovzduší
2005 - 14 0267-9477 Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry /Praha/ 2009 - 2017 1473-0197 Lab on a Chip 2007 - 2017 1040-8347 Critical Review in Analytical Chemistry 2008 - 2015 0173-0835 Electrophoresis 1981 - 2013 0001-5407 Acta chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1973 - 82 0231-3146 Acta Chimica Hungarica 1983 - 90 0001-1541 Aiche Journal 1973 - 77 0044-7749 American Laboratory 1985 - 99 0365-4877 Analusis 1984 - 93 0003-2654 Analyst 1973 - 81, 2016 - 2017 0003-2700 Analytical Chemistry 1989 - 2009 0003-2670 Analytica Chimica Acta 1973 - 76 0003-2689 Analytical Abstracts 1973 - 81 0003-2697 Analytical Biochemistry 1973 - 78 0743-5797 Analytical Instrumentation 1990 - 93 0003-2719 Analytical Letters 1973 - 93 0144-557X Analytical Proceedings Analytical Communications 1980-81,85-93 0910-6340 Analytical Sciences 0044-8249 Angewandte Chemie - Applied Chemistry 1961-75 0570-0833 Angewandte Chemie: International edition 1973-75 0954-6642 Applied and Theoretical Electrophoresis 1990-96 /neúplné roky/ 0269-3879 Biomedical Chromatography 0006-2944 Biochemical Medicine 1975,77 0306-042X Biomedical Mass Spectrometry 1974-79 1210-6402 Bulletin GA-ČR 0360-5280 Byte 1990-91 0195-4962 CA Selects. Electrophoresis 1982-95 0146-4477 CA Selects. Gas chromatography 1980-95 0195-5217 CA Selects. High performance liquid chromatography 1980-95 1084-0036 CA Selects plus. Electrophoresis 1996-2001 1083-2734 CA Selects plus. Gas chromatography 1995-2004 1083-2815 CA Selects plus. High performance liquid chromatography 1995-98 0008-4042 Canadian Journal of Chemistry. Journal Canadien de Chimie 1973-82 0009-5893 Chromatographia 0009-8981 Clinica Chimica Acta 1974-77 0013-4775 Electroanalytical Abstracts 1974-80 0013-5070 Electronics 1973,76-83 0883-4989 Electronics : News, Trends and Analysis for Global Electronics Leaders 1986-90 0748-3252 Electronics Week 1984-85 0424-8570 Elektrochimija 1973-91 0013-936X Environmental Science § Technology 1993 - 2009 0367-0716 Erdöl und Kohle, Erdgas Petrochemie vereinigt mit Brennstoff-Chemie 1974-87 0322-9653 Finanční zpravodaj 1991 - 2009 0016-1152 Fresenius' Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie 1973-81 0016-2825 Funktechnik : Fachzeitschrift für Funkelektroniker, Radio- und Fernsehtechniker 1976-79 0538-7590 Gas and Liquid Chromatography Abstracts 1973-85 0046-5461 Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Abstracts 1973-81 --- Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1958-64 0016-4895 Gas Chromatography Literature - Abstracts and Index 1973-82 0935-6304 HRC : Journal of high resolution chromatography 1989-2000 0009-2223 Chemia Analityczna 1973-76,79-88 0009-2347 Chemical and Engineering News 1973-75 0190-4094 Chemical, Biomedical and Environmental Instrumentation 1979-82 0009-2592 Chemical Instrumentation Journal of Experimental Techniques in Chemistry and Biochemistry 1973-77 0366-6352 Chemical Papers - Chemické zvesti 1993-95 0045-6519 Chemische Technik 1973-86,1987-90 neúpl. 0009-3068 Chemistry and Industry 1973-75 0169-7439 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 1989-92 0045-6535 Chemosphere 1991-94 0023-110X Chimičeskaja promyšlennosť 1973-94 0268-6287 Chromatography Abstracts 1986-92 0018-9421 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics and control instrumentation 1973-80 0018-9456 IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 1973-81 0020-7217 International Journal of Electronics. Theoretical and Experimental 1973-75 0306-7319, 0092-9085 (zruš.) International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 1975-84,86-87 0020-7381 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics 1974-76 0002-3353 Izvestija Akademii Nauk SSSR. Serija Chimičeskaja 1973-91 ---- Izvestija vysšich učebnych zavedenij - Radiotechnika 1960-64 0525-1931 Japan Analyst - Bunseki Kagaku 1974-2001, 2002 neúpl. 0021-8561 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1993 1060-3271 Journal of AOAC International 1992-2004 0142-0453 Journal of Automatic Chemistry 1980-81 0344-7138 Journal of High Resolution Chromatography and Chromatography Communications od r.1989 viz HRC 1978-88 0021-9568 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1973-81 0021-9576 Journal of Chemical Documentation 1964-65,73-74 0095-2338 Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 1975 0886-9383 Journal of Chemometrics 1989-92 0021-9665 Journal of Chromatographic Science 0021-9673 Journal of Chromatography 1958-93 Následný název viz: Journal of Chromatography A Journal of Chromatography B 0148-3919 Journal of Liquid Chromatography 1978-93 1040-7685 Journal of Microcolumn Separations 1989-2001 0022-3654 Journal of Physical Chemistry 1973-75 0022-3735 Journal of Physics. E, Scientific Instruments 1973-81 0933-4173 Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern T.L.C 1989-93 1615-9306 Journal of Separation Science 2001 - 2010 0896-8446 Journal of Supercritical Fluids 1991 - 2010 0002-2470 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 1974-81 0003-021X Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 1969-76 0043-1303 Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 1989 0344-1733 Laborpraxis 1985-93 0746-0252 LC 1985 Následující název viz: LC GC 0888-9090 LC GC 1986-98 Následující název viz: LC GC North America 0306-2104 Liquid Chromatography Abstracts 1974-84 0026-265X Microchemical Journal 1974-75,77-92 0026-3672 Mikrochimica Acta 1974-2000 0323-4657 Nachrichtentechnik - Elektronik (do r. 1996) následující název: Ingenieur der Kommunikationstechnik 1973-90 0028-1042 Naturwissenschaften 1973-94 0028-2421 Neftechimija 1973-91 1210-5708 PC Magazine 0018-9219 Proceedings of the IEEE 1973-75 1615-9853 Proteomics 0032-6208 Práce a mzda 1214-5025 Průvodce pracovně práv.předpisy 0033-7900 Radio-Fernsehen-Elektronik die Zeitschrift der Unterhaltungselektronik 1987-90 0486-2325 Referativnyj žurnal 19, Chimija 1986-89 ---- Referativnyj žurnal. Chimija. Predmetnyj ukazatel' 1973-89 0034-6748 Reviews of Scientific Instruments 1973-78 1211-1244 Sbírka zákonů ČR 1993 - 2009 0048-9697 Science of the Total Environment 1974-79 0037-2366 Separation Science 1973-77 0149-6395 Separation Science and Technology 1978-2001 0253-9675 Swiss Biotech 1987-88,90 0251-1681 Swiss Food 1987-88,90 0251-1703 Swiss Chem 1986-88 0251-1673 Swiss Pharma 1987-88,90 0165-9936 TRAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 0042-1308 Uspechi chimii 1973-91 0208-0621 V mire nauki = Scientific American 1988-90 ---- Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Elektrotechnik 1963-64 0321-4265 Zavodskaja laboratorija 1973-94 ---- Zeitschrift für das gesamte Turbinenwesen in Verbindung mit Wasser- und Wärmewirtschaft 1919-20 0340-4811 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung = Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Teil A, Physik, physikalische Chemie, Kosmophysik 1973-75 0323-4479 Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 1960-64 0044-4502 Žurnal analitičeskoj chimii 1973-94 0044-453 Žurnal fizičeskoj chimii 1973-94