Department of Fluid Phase Separations

Exploring the world of

  • Theory, methodology and development of miniaturized analytical separation methods
  • Divergent flow IEF
  • Application of near- and supercritical water for surface modifications of fused silica capillaries and glass substrates for chips
  • Column technology for CLC – synthesis of monolithic columns for proteomic purposes
  • Automatization of electroseparation methods - CE, CEC and CIEF
  • Modification of fused silica capillaries for electrophoretic separations of unicellular organisms
  • Detection techniques for electroseparation methods (LIF, MS)
  • Extractions of plant materials with compressed fluids


Former members
  • Ing. Lenka Burdějová, Ph.D.
  • RNDr. Martin Beran Ph.D.
  • Ing. Marie Horká, CSc.
  • Ing. Vratislav Košťál, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Jaroslav Pól, Ph.D.
  • Olga Smolová
  • Doc. RNDr. Karel Šlais, DrSc.
  • Ing. Elena Varaďová Ostrá
  • Mgr. Marie Tesařová Ph.D.


Current grants

  • MZdravČR NU22-05-00110, (2022-2025) Poly-microbial basis of non-healing wounds infections and therapeutic potential of 3D bioprinting-based concept for infections treatment. - Ing. Jiří Šalplachta, Ph.D. (co-principal investigator)
  • GAČR 23-04703S, (2023-2025) Alternative route to capillary monolithic silica columns from discrete particles treated with supercritical water - doc. RNDr. Michal Roth, CSc.
  • V4 Korea, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, (2023-2026) Development of High Sensitivity and High Resolution Analytical Tools for the Brain Glycans. - Mgr. Jana Lavická, Ph.D.
  • MVČR VB02000015, (2024-2026) Portable liquid chromatograph – Enhancing the technology readiness level, adaptation of advanced optical detection and new applications - Ing. Jozef Šesták, Ph.D.